lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

My "cousin"

Write a description of someine in your family that you admire.
The person that I'm going to describe is Diego. Diego is my "cousin" and he's 20 years old. He's tall and thin. His hair is dark and short and his eyes are brown.
He lives in Arcos de la Frontera, but now He lives in Sevilla because he is studying computer science.

I'm looking at a photo where he appears and he's wearing grey jeans and a striped shirt.

He is a good boy, he's very intelligent, ven sometimes he can be funny. He is too unsafem and sometimes that happens bad plaus insecurity.
He's always when I need something, and sometimes he finds out something happens to me without my saying anything to him.

In my opinion my "cousin" Diego is one of the best people that I know. I knor that many thing would have been different if he had not been with me, beside me.

In the future, I want to help people like he does with me.


Ni es mi primo, ni nada por el estilo, pero simplemente, es él.

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